For the ideal workplace in Germany

For Nurses

We place you in the nursing job that suits you. From the workplace to the environment: A successful nursing career and a new life await you!

We as an Agency

Companion from your first interview to the start of your new job: We value personal mentoring and professional competence.

For Hospitals

For a reliable, plannable personnel strategy: We reach nursing staff from Europe and the world – to future-proof your organization.

For Nurses

Whether you come from Europe or the international sector: We place you into a nursing career in Germany and provide you with an optimal working environment.

We accommodate your personal goals and preferences. After the first interview with you, we set off to find you the best relocation and placement process in the easiest way.

We accompany you to your first day of work, and will remain a supportive partner in your new career in Germany.


Are you looking for a new challenge within Germany? With a nursing degree and solid professional experience, you will quickly find yourself in a new position. After a personal interview with us, we will establish your goals and where you see yourself in the future.

EU country

Do you want to move from another EU country to Germany? We will assist you in your transfer to and integration in Germany. Should you be lacking German language skills, we will assist you and provide you with free German lessons in a language school.


Do you come from a country outside Europe? We will organize valid residential and work permits as well as German language classes and further necessary education if required at our expenses. We will assist your integration in our country and provide the best career possible with ease for you.

PersonaMedical is committed to you – regardless of where you come from.

You have questions?

Your journey to a nursing career in Germany with PersonaMedical

First contact

Fill out the application form or contact our staff directly via phone, mail, Facebook or WhatsApp. We will get back to you within 12 hours to personally discuss your wishes and goals in Germany.

19 years of experience

in the staffing industry

Flexible placement concept

Tailored to you and your goals

We as an agency

The journey from the desire for a change to signing a contract seems difficult – Persona Medical makes it easy.

Depending on the candidate's profile, we find the fastest way into the new job. From the very beginning, we make sure that the nursing staff and the nursing facility are a good match.

We remain an accessible partner even after the job has started – for all parties. Whether in the search for an apartment or for networking at the workplace: An open ear ensures long-term satisfaction for all parties.

That's why we are more than just recruiters. That's why we are an agency!

For Hospitals

The shortage of skilled workers is pervasive.

The high demand for nursing staff in Germany requires intelligent solutions.

We therefore develop sustainable personnel strategies for clinics and care facilities. Since we do not limit ourselves to regional markets, we can find the right nursing staff for your company.

Nursing staff from abroad receive individual support from us on their way to Germany: rapid recognition and tailor-made further training play a central role here.

We show unskilled workers as well as experienced nursing professionals a quick and motivating way into nursing in Germany.

Nursing needs a future!

Your application to Persona Medical

🛈 Why are we asking you this? In order to be able to offer you a job in Germany as quickly as possible, we will send an anonymous short profile of you to our network of hospitals and care facilities. Of course, we use your data strictly confidential and DSVGO-compliant.
🛈 Why are we asking you this? To care means to communicate! If you still need a language course to be able to work in Germany as a nurse, we will take care of it!
🛈 Why are we asking you this? Your professional training is the key to a permanent work permit in Germany. If we know exactly how you have been trained, we can take care of your recognition or have you further trained.

🛈 Why are we asking you this? Your experience is in high demand in Germany! In all areas of the health care system are open. We will find what suits you best and where you can develop optimally.

🛈 Why are we asking you this? We will now personally check your data and contact you as soon as possible. Let us know here what else we need to know about you.

Deine Bewerbung an Persona Medical

🛈 Warum fragen wir dich das? Um dir möglichst schnell einen Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland anbieten zu können, lassen wir unserem Netzwerk an Krankenhäusern und Pflegeeinrichtungen einen anonymisiertes Kurzprofil von dir zukommen. Selbstverständlich verwenden wir deine Daten streng vertraulich und DSVGO-Konform.
🛈 Warum fragen wir dich das? Pflegen bedeutet Kommunizieren! Falls du noch einen Sprachkurs benötigst, um in Deutschland als Pflegekraft arbeiten zu können, kümmern wir uns darum!
🛈 Warum fragen wir dich das? Deine fachliche Ausbildung ist der Schlüssel für eine dauerhafte Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland. Wenn wir wissen, wie genau du ausgebildet worden bist, können wir uns um deine Anerkennung kümmern oder dich weiterbilden lassen.

🛈 Warum fragen wir dich das? Deine Erfahrung ist in Deutschland sehr gefragt! In allen Bereichen des Gesundheitssystems sind stellen offen. Wir finden, was zu dir passt und wo du dich optimal weiterentwickeln kannst.

🛈 Wie geht es jetzt weiter? Wir prüfen nun persönlich deine Daten und melden uns schnellstmöglich bei dir. Gib uns hier Bescheid, was wir noch über dich wissen müssen.